Tuesday 11 June 2013

Facebook Fanpage Marketing Johannesburg

John Currie from Currie Enterprises discusses the difference between a Facebook 'Like" and a Facebook "connect". Most people believe that a Facebook like is all they need and so they chase Facebook likes all over the place.

John is an expert in in Facebook Fanpage Marketing Johannesburg

A Facebook like will not drive clients to your business. It merely a click of a button when someone saw your Facebook page.
  • If you do not have any applications installed on your fanpage to collect likes and emails, the likes you get are pretty useless actually.
The problem is that designing and installing a Facebook application is something that is beyond the scope of most people unless they are actually programmers and as a result, they are missing out on the most powerful and inexpensive lead generation system available in 2013.

Ig you would like to see hoe inexpensive it is to get up and running with Facebook, to be able to offer competitions, sweepstakes, scratch and win competitions etc. give us a call on 079 300 2850 or 011 869 0059.

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