Saturday 17 August 2013

How To Make A Facebook Post Go Viral

What Makes A Post Go Viral Anyway?

  • This is a misunderstood concept.
  • Many people think you need something really “out there”, maybe something a bit risque, or you just need to be lucky.

This is not the case at all. You can only have a post go viral once you have established a decent relationship with your fans. It is only once you have developed a rapport with your Facebook fans by talking to them (posting things they like to see and read), listening to what they say through their comments, seeing which posts the like, which posts and images they share and comment on, that you get to know with a large degree of certainty, which posts and images will be very popular and should go viral.
The image below comes from my Labradorworld facebook page. I have had this fan page up for just over three months now, so I really do know which buttons to press with this audience. I have experimented quite a lot with these fans and done a lot of testing but very little marketing. In fact, I am only now starting to do a bit of marketing. I have a rule of only posting a marketing link in every 10 posts, and then I put that link on an image I am fairly certain this group of fans will respond to.